Monday, November 03, 2008

"Skeptical" oil on canvas 8x10"

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We have this great little smokeless bar in our town that is in and OLD building that the owners rehabed. Once they really got into clean up the found one whole wall was floor to ceiling (way up high ceilings!) was old brick. They have been showing a woman's paintings there for a very long time. Every time I would go there to eat I would lament the fact that they weren't MY paintngs. Her palette consists of a lot of brown. A LOT OF BROWN. It seemed such a shame that those walls weren't punched with color. Well...low and behold a friend of mine arranged for me to meet with the new manager. My work goes up Friday. The reason I'm telling you all this is the cow; she really likes the cow images I've done so I'm trying to work up a few new images to flush out the show. Whew!

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